Page name: Jitter portfolio [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-04-10 20:07:07
Last author: Jitter
Owner: Jitter
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All art on this page is © Athena Leonti. All Rights Reserved.
Do not use ANY images from this page without permission!

Dividers from jitter dividers. Banners by [Jitter].

Thank you!


My own Theme:


Galadan and Lisen were (not) meant to be


My own Theme 2:


"I am the key to the lock in your house, that keeps your toys in the basement and if you get too far inside, youll only see my reflection. It's always best when the light is off, I am the pick in the ice. Do not cry out or hit the alarm, were friends till we die. And either way you turn, Ill be there, open up your skull. Ill be there, climbing up the walls" ~Radiohead


Theme of week 1:


"My days backwards count. A.Ura knows this Schneckenhaus, by its veins death flows, it waits already so long for you, on your coming." ~Samsas Traum


Theme of week 2:


“Every artist undresses his subject, whether human or still life. It is his business to find essences in surfaces, and what more attractive and challenging surface than the skin around a soul?” ~Richard Corliss


Theme of week 3:


“Sometime we all want to be faceless. Invisible.”


Theme of week 4:


"There took place then a battle foretold in the first depths of time by the twin goddesses of war, who are named in all the worlds as Macha and Nemain. A portent it was to be, a presaging of the greatest war of all, this coming together in darkness of the wolf,who was a man whose spirit was annihilation, and the grey dog, who had been called by many names but was always the Companion."~ The Tapestry of Fionavar


Theme of week 5:


"“Sadness is always the legacy of the past; regrets are pains of the memory”"


Theme of week 6:


"...Bollocks" she said.


Theme of week 7:


"Perhaps I care because I strive to be different from my people," he said "Perhaps I care because I am different from my people. I may be more akin to the races of the surface... that is my hope at least. I care because I have to care about something. You are not so different Bruenor Battlehammer. We care lest our own lives be empty."~ Drizzt Do'Urden


Theme of week 8:


"I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss from her mouth, one touch of her hand, than eternity without it." ~City of Angels


Theme of week 9:


"The rays of happiness, like those of light, are colorless when unbroken." ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


Theme of week 10:


"Come along, I want to show you something, all the boats are silent. The small boy comes to the girl tonight with the full moon,the girl goes in the water."~ Weena Morloch


Portfolio Folder:


All art on this page is © to Athena Leonti. All Rights Reserved.
Do not use ANY images from this page without permission!

Dividers from jitter dividers. Banners by [Jitter].

*Reference from [FetishFaerie]'s DA stock account

-Back to portfolio contest or [Jitter]'s house.

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2006-12-06 [Elegy - gone]: Yeah, yeah, I know >.< I really have to talk my dad into a change of browser *sigh*

2006-12-06 [Jitter]: /hugs Good Luck!

2006-12-06 [Elegy - gone]: Hehe, thanks =P loving the still life, by the way. Very nifty use of colours ^_^

2006-12-06 [Jitter]: Thank you! I did it at school for sketch lessons, we were supposed to colour it and I told my teacher That I would no way colour it with the boring colours the items and wall had :P :)

2006-12-17 [Linderel]: Psst, I think you got your disclaimer wrong, it says 'all photography'. :3

2006-12-18 [Jitter]: arg xD I took it from my photo wiki hehe ty ^^

2006-12-18 [Elegy - gone]: Psst, Linderel, I think you're using the word 'disclaimer' wrong :3 as the word suggests, a disclaimer is to disclaim something, ergo to deny all right to a product. I think Jitter here is trying to do the opposite =P

2006-12-18 [Linderel]: Oops. xD *bops own head* Silly me. :P

2006-12-18 [Elegy - gone]: *is a nitpicker* >.> =P

2006-12-18 [Linderel]: Hey, so am I. :P

2006-12-18 [Jitter]: rofl. yeah it's actually my claimer xD

2006-12-18 [Linderel]: I must have been reading too much fanfiction to call a note a 'disclaimer'...

2006-12-18 [Jitter]: hahah indeed same here for not noticing it

2006-12-19 [Elegy - gone]: Well, fortunately for you I've read just enough fanfiction to recognize the word and know its meaning =P

2006-12-19 [sequeena_rae]: Ah, the good old disclaimers <3

2006-12-22 [Jitter]: Gah I finished two pieces for this and forgot to bring them along on my flash card :(((

2006-12-23 [SeLoCeS]: you have more than most people matey :)

2006-12-23 [Jitter]: :) Yeah I need to make a new for the portrait too though as it is an old one!

2006-12-23 [Linderel]: I love the expression. xD "...bollocks."

2006-12-24 [Jitter]: Lol thanks xD The reference picture helped loads as well!

2007-01-06 [Jitter]: To explain my "plant" picture, it goes along the line of planting a kiss to your beloved :)
Black sheep is simply Drizzt, the black sheep of Do'Urden family

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